domingo, 9 de octubre de 2016

[Discussion] The mother of compilers

This post entry is an opinion about two resources: the article Grace Hopper - The Mother of Cobol[1] and the video documentary The Queen of Code[2].

Grace Hopper is the one who created the Cobol language. She was a mathematician and became a Navy Admiral in her young age. It is said that she also coined the term Bug. She worked with numeric tables and helped in the assembly of the Mark I machine. One of her main contributions to Computer Science is that she created the first compilers, A-0, B-0 that then converted to Flow-Matic in 1957.

Because she was a woman, she had troubles trying to follow her dreams. It seems unfair how society saw women in the past days. I think that nowadays this situation is changing. Although there are no much women in the Computer Science field, but projects start to arise following the trend of women inclusion.

I did not know Grace Hopper’s life but I liked a lot how she was concerned about teaching programming to young people. In the article they described her as a very strong woman and as it looks, she followed her dreams straight forward. It seems to me that she was a nice person and also very strong, although she was in a “men’s field” she never gave up or doubt about herself. It seems an admirable woman to me.

I quite get sad hearing that she was not allowed to teach in Harvard because they didn’t allowed women as teachers in the institution, the same goes to the navy that first they didn’t accept it, although years later she was recognized and admired. There was a phrase in the video that got my attention and it was that

Women in computing are like unicorns, they just don’t exist.
I think that back in those days, this phrase had more fundament than now. Today women movements have been changing how society thinks about gender inside companies and there have been special events that support the inclusion of women, for example Cisco has their own recruitment for women in our Campus and a special event for them. Movements like this are arising more often than before, nevertheless the fact that the number of women in computer science is very low, persist.


[1] [2]

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